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Business Email Service
What's amazing about Business Email
Create Your SMART Business
Unlimited Email Accounts

Email Account အရေအတá€Ŋကá€ēကို ကနá€ē့သတá€ēထá€Ŧးခá€ŧငá€ēးမရှိပဲ á€œá€­á€¯á€Ąá€•á€ēသလေá€Ŧကá€ē အကေá€Ŧငá€ē့ဖá€Ŋငá€ē့ကá€Ŧ á€Ąá€žá€¯á€ļးပá€ŧုနိုငá€ēပá€Ģတယá€ē

SSD Enterprise Storage

Email Server Storage ကို သá€Ŧမနá€ē Harddisk ထကá€ē 5 ဆ ပိုမိုမá€ŧနá€ēဆနá€ēတဲ့ SSD Enterprise Storage á€€á€­á€¯á€Ąá€žá€¯á€ļးပá€ŧုထá€Ŧးပá€Ģတယá€ē

Inbuilt Virus Protection

Spam Email မá€ģá€Ŧးဝငá€ēရေá€Ŧကá€ēခá€ŧငá€ēး၊ ပá€ŧငá€ēပမှ email တိုကá€ēခိုကá€ēခá€ļရခá€ŧငá€ēá€¸á€á€­á€¯á€ˇ မရှိစေရနá€ē AntiSpam & AntiVirus Software မá€ģá€Ŧးဖá€ŧငá€ē့ ကá€Ŧကá€Ŋယá€ēá€™á€žá€¯á€•á€ąá€¸á€‘á€Ŧးပá€Ģတယá€ē

Get Additional Storage

No more worrying about running out of storage space. You can now increase storage for individual accounts by buying additional storage.

Compatible with All Mail Client

Webmail, Microsfot Outlook, Apple Mail, Google Mail စသညá€ē့ Mail Client မá€ģá€Ŧးအá€Ŧးလုá€ļးတá€Ŋငá€ē IMAP/POP mail setting တိုဖá€ŧငá€ē့ လá€Ŋယá€ēကူစá€Ŋá€Ŧ á€Ąá€žá€¯á€ļးပá€ŧုနိုငá€ēပá€Ģတယá€ē

Device No Limit

Desktop, Laptop, Table, Mobile Phone မá€ģá€Ŧးအá€Ŧးလုá€ļးပေá€Ģá€ēတá€Ŋငá€ē mail client မá€ģá€Ŧá€¸á€Ąá€žá€¯á€ļးပá€ŧု၍ ဝငá€ēရေá€Ŧကá€ē á€Ąá€žá€¯á€ļးပá€ŧုနိုငá€ēပá€Ģတယá€ē။ Device အရေအတá€Ŋကá€ē ကနá€ē့သတá€ēထá€Ŧးခá€ŧငá€ēး မရှိပá€Ģ။

Email Package Compare
Business Email Plan and Pricing
ကိုယá€ēပိုငá€ēလုပá€ēငနá€ēးအမညá€ēဖá€ŧင့á€ē Storage á€Ąá€œá€­á€¯á€€á€ē အကန့á€ēအသတá€ēမဲ့ Email လိပá€ēစá€Ŧမá€ģá€Ŧးကို ရယူလိုကá€ēပá€Ģ

Starts at just

188,000 Ks / year

Small Package

When customers see an email using a free, generic address, like ''.

  • Domain Name with SSL
  • 10 GB Storage
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Weekly Backup
Order Now

Starts at just

263,000 Ks / year

Medium Package

When customers see an email using a free, generic address, like ''.

  • Domain Name with SSL
  • 30 GB Storage
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Weekly Backup
Order Now

Starts at just

325,000 Ks / year

Large Package

When customers see an email using a free, generic address, like ''.

  • Domain Name with SSL
  • 50 GB Storage
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
Order Now

Starts at just

478,000 Ks / year

Enterprise Package

When customers see an email using a free, generic address, like ''.

  • Domain Name with SSL
  • 100 GB Storage
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
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